San Andreas Fire and Medical
Zero Tolerance Policy
We have the right to refuse treatment and take further action against anyone who threatens the safety of our staff and our patients.
The following offenses will result in refusal of treatment by our team, and depending on the severity, blacklisting from future treatments:
- Violence
- Excessive noise (e.g: recurrent loud or intrusive conversation or shouting)
- Threatening or abusive language involving swearing or offensive remarks
- Racial or sexual remarks
- Aggressive, forceful tone and/or language that upsets staff
- Malicious allegations relating to members of staff, other patients or visitors
- Offensive gestures or behaviours
- Abusing alcohol or drugs on practice premesises
- Drug dealing on practice premesises
- Wilful damage to practice property
- Threats or threatening behaviour
- Theft
- Persistent and/or unrealistic demands on the service
- Repeat derogatory comments about the practice or individuals either verbally, in writing/digitally or on social media platforms